Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yahoo and myspace?

does anyone know if yahoo has any affiliations with myspace? i know that the yahoo servers are down... but my myspace is down too.. just wonderin if the two were somehow connected. thanks

Yahoo and myspace?

No. Yahoo has a MySpace of their own, called Yahoo 360.

Yahoo and myspace?

good question its kind of odd they are both down but who knows

Yahoo and myspace?

idk but i think they may have some conections.

Yahoo and myspace?

Yahoo just did a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on the MySpace server, in order to get people to move to Y! 360. This also accounts for Y! Messanger being down at the moment. As they need the most bandwitdh they can get to run the DDoS.

Yahoo and myspace?

I know yahoo is stricter on the profiles and porn they have on myspace though. on my space anything doesn't allow porn. but,however I don't think they should be allowed to Block peoples e-mail adresses on that cite like they,my space is free!:)

Yahoo and myspace?

its all a government conspiracy anyways...theyre reading everything were saying right now

Yahoo and myspace?

hmmm good question..thanks for 2 points, u rock...

Yahoo and myspace?

they are both down, i wanna end my life........ *puts gun to head* *click* *click* *click* BANG

Yahoo and myspace?

There are problems with the server due to power outages in Cali. The servers for yahoo and myspace are located near each other.

Yahoo and myspace?

Yes myspace is down... It was down last night and then today i got on and tom had posted a message that their was a power outage (or something) that affected some people and that it messed up myspace and hes got to fix it..... I just tryed to get on and its down again.... this is the message i get....

Login is temporarily disabled while we fix some database problems. We'll be back shortly. 7/23/2006

Hope this helps...

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