Friday, December 25, 2009

Why all this myspace crap?

I think myspace is a waste of time because you would be better off meeting someone at school or at your work or stay with the freinds you have i dont need myspace I met tons of freinds at school without the stupid myspace. Most ppl I met on myspace were annoying. I think its really bad that all those under aged kids get on it. why waste your time on myspace?

Why all this myspace crap?

Its a great way to reconnect with people you haven't seen in year,s or have moved away.

Through myspace I have gotten in contact with many people I thought I would never see again!

Why all this myspace crap?

Some don't find it a waste of each their own...y'know?

Why all this myspace crap?

Myspace = 30 year old men looking for a good rape session and also some emo kids in there to...

Why all this myspace crap?

I use it to stay in touch with friends... not to pick up girls...

Its NOT always for picking up random 14 year old chicks...

Why all this myspace crap?

i usu it to talk to my existing friends. im in a small town, and everyone lives far apart. i use it to talk cuz its cheaper than the phone, and i can talk to more than one person at a time.

Why all this myspace crap?


Why all this myspace crap?

I joined myspace when it first launched, before all the fame and popularity. I moved from my hometown, and it's a great way for me to keep in touch with my friends. Now a days, Myspace is everywhere, which can be a little annoying.

Why all this myspace crap?

I haven't bought into the fad either... in fact, I'm still waiting for it to die.

From what I have seen on there, there are some good bands who offer music there, and that I can appreciate. Otherwise, it seems like a whole bunch of tweens and teens girls wearing barely anything or guys trying to convince those girls that they're "cool."

Why all this myspace crap?

well... I'm a missionary kid.. an American living in Germany.

For me, Myspace is my one way of staying connected and in touch with my friends over in the US.

Not all people are in on myspace for the flirting and talking to strangers... for some of us it's a great and fun way of staying in touch and sharing and making memories via the web.

Why all this myspace crap?

it aint crap it aint waste of time...I talk to friends from skool...or frnds from last year cuz i moved...its a great way to be intouch with someone well and i never talk to ppl i dont know

Why all this myspace crap?

b/c sometimes it's just refreshing to meet different people other than those around your neighborhood. but i know what you mean. myspace is like swarm of the emo kids. but facebook is the new myspace (at least here in nyc), but the rest of america hasn't exactly caugh tup on it yet. :sigh:

Why all this myspace crap?

i like myspace..

Why all this myspace crap?

well thats your opinion, If the people you met on myspace is annoying, then its your fault that you added annoying people,

Why all this myspace crap?

it is fun plus old friends find u

Why all this myspace crap?

Once your older and move on, then myspace is kind of cool, because those same peole that you use to hang out, well you can keep in touch, its not about meeting people and having kids from school be ur friends, cause hello you can denied them and that the end of them, then well i agree about lil kids that are like 14 and under they shouldn't really be there, but thats

all on them, and if its a waist of time, the stop using it, thats simple, and lastly just have ur close friends, make you profile private so no one bugs you and that all

Why all this myspace crap?

well, all I can say is that I had lost contact with a lot of friends from college/ and highschool and i found them - ALL OF THEM lol. .. but ya have to be ready to have your exes find you! lol. . . it's cool -tho. . . to each their own.

Why all this myspace crap?

I completely understand that !I may not have many friends but I know meeting people in real life is better ! I mean yeah I have a friend I met on the computer but its a Harry Potter fan club site !

I mean why take the chance off talking to some one who is MENTAL !!!!!!!!

Why all this myspace crap?

I have NO idea, but I've been kinda wondering myself what all the "hoopla" is about, so thought I'd check out what people had to say here.

Until just recently, I assumed all Myspace was, was an online site where teenyboppers could hook up - and it was all about "me, me, ME"!!! A place for the kiddies to flaunt their "attributes".

Shameless self-promotion!

But now I understand that it CAN serve a valuable purpose for some. I have cousins far away that I haven't seen in years. Through Myspace, we can now make up for lost time! As I investigate this further, I'm sure I will be reconnecting with other long lost friends %26amp; relatives, as well.

I guess whether or not it is "a waste of time" all depends on what it is each individual hopes to get out of it!

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