Monday, December 28, 2009

Myspace privacy?

how do i make my account not private hewre is what it says

Privacy Settings:

Return to Account Settings

We care about your privacy at MySpace!

To make sure you have a fun and comfortable experience on MySpace, we let you control how other users contact you and view your profile.

Check to require users to know your email address or last name to send you a friend request.

Check to review comments to your profile, blog, or photos before they are posted.

Check to hide your online status from other users.

Check to alert your friends when your birthday is near.

Check to prevent other users from emailing links to your photos from the site.

Check to allow only your friends to post comments on your blog entries.

Check to block unwanted friend requests from bands.

Your Privacy Settings have been updated.

Who Can View My Full Profile

My Friends Only

Anyone under 18 on MySpace

Only Users Under 18

which ones do i choose

Myspace privacy?

ok! what you do is you go to youre myspace profile then you click on my account then you wil get list that has something privcey change with under line then click that after you what to go scrollling down til you see lists of names such as my friends only, etc. then you can change the subject if you want to show youre profile to youre friends and other ppl then change into show everybody . then click save then there will not be in privated anymore.

Myspace privacy?

Edit it so anyone can see it. It could have to do with your age. The website knows you are a minor, so it wont allow you to not be private. Its actually good for you in my oppinion. You might need to make a new account, but put in a fake old age so anyone can see it, or change your "birthday" under "basic info". Trust me. Your real friends will know how old you are.


Myspace privacy?

it should give an option like public...and the this pop up about safety comes out and then its set...but it depends cuz if youre too young it wont let you

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