Thursday, December 3, 2009

Not on their myspace?

My boyfriend and I of almost two years split up for a little while. We're now working things out and getting back together. He has his profile on myspace private and will not allow me on his list. This means I can not see it. This also means that I can not leave him comments and other nice gestures to let him know I'm thinking of him during the day when we can't talk. This wasn't a simple relationship. We lived together for over a year.

He says that myspace is just myspace, but I remember how often he's gotten jealous over my page when we were together and even when we weren't. Should I just not worry about it? He says he's not hiding anything, but refuses to let me see his page. He has some of my friends on his, %26amp; I could ask a friend to let me log in as them, but I don't want to do that. I want to respect his privacy, but feel like I have a right to question it. I haven't mentioned it much, but it's been over a month since we're seeing each other again.

I think something is up. Do U?

Not on their myspace?

a lot of guys say that about myspace....its just myspace...yeah right. My boyfriend gets mad or jealous sometimes when guys will leave me comments...but when i say something about some girl doing that on his....he says oh its nothing its just myspace. Guys are I would be thinking and wondering exactly how u r hunny....and yeah that would make me mad too if he wouldnt let me see his page. Whenever u talk to him straight up....ask what he wants and tell him he is not going to waste ur time. Good luck!

Not on their myspace?

i wouldnt worry about it if you trust him and he trusts you then it shouldnt be a big deal it is just myspace if it bugs you so much make him show you his page tell him that you earned that level of trust

Not on their myspace?

well you should always respect his privacy, however there is a reason he doesnt want you on there, and i cant think of a good one. so i would be worried if i were you. thats just shady of him not to let you be on his friends or whatever. ask him about it.

Not on their myspace?

something is definitely up. you need to tell him that it's important to you to see it. if he still says no, get on one of your friends.

Not on their myspace?

I do. Even if he has nothing to hide, it's the principle. If he has nothing to hide, he shoud have no problem letting you see it. If he continues to hide things from you, you might reconsider how much you can trust him and want to be with him...

Not on their myspace?

Nope. Don't over analyze the little things and dont get even...thats the secret to longer relationships.

Not on their myspace?

yea hes definitly talkin to someone on there and doesnt want to stop so hes just not letting you on i had an ex do the same just log in as a friend or make a fake myspace and put a really hott girls pic on there from like some wierd place and get in thier and find out why should you waste your time???? good luck girl

by the way this is your man and if you two were together for that long seriously there is no privacy you do what you have to do to find out whats goin on i would....and its not wrong

Not on their myspace?

yeah, if he wont let you see his page, then hes most likely hiding something, i would ask one of my friends to let me use their log in to check it out. if my boyfriend did that to me, i would be so suspicious, i would go on my friends that same day that he said he wouldnt let me see it, but thats just me

best of luck

Not on their myspace?

Yes, I smell mendacity. Do like most grls would do...ask your friend to let u log in with their ID, it's the only way to find out. Seems like hes hiding something...Good luck!

Not on their myspace?

Sounds like boyfriend kept himself busy in the offseason to me, and he may be waiting to see if you two are going to stick it out. I'd say if things get back to pretty serious, then if many months from now he's still acting the same way, then get worried. He might be just covering his bases, because, after all, you 2 did break up, and he may be taking a "wait and see" approach.

There is almost undoubtedly some ladies on there he'd rather you not see. The real test is if you guys look like you're making a lasting commitment and he still keeps that stuff hidden. If you two are making your connection permament, then he should either ditch myspace or ditch the folks he'd rather you not see, one or the other. But a month back, again, he may just be protecting himself.

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