Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do i remove my myspace account?

How do i remove my myspace account when i cant go to my email address, heres the thing when i first got a myspace account i had AOL, now i dont have aol so that means i dont have an aol email address and myspace wont let me delete my myspace account if i dont first go to my AOL email address to get the delete quote. PLZ HELP!!!!!! PS. i will give 10 points who ever helps me out.

How do i remove my myspace account?

create a new one. then, write a letter to the admin saying that your old account is a fake. you can do that, or try to convince the admins to change your email adress for you. but, i highly doubt they can or will, seeing that there are over 120 million users.

How do i remove my myspace account?

First, change your email address that was signed in to Myspace, then you can easily delete your Myspace...=)

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