Sunday, December 6, 2009

Breakp on myspace?

Apperently, I am no longer in a relationship. I found out that my girfriend who I havent talked to for 1 week (besides a phone message that I left her) just chaged her status to single on myspace. What is up with that? I mean, she thought that I was cheating when I was flirting at the most, honestly never cheated. Why not call me so we can talk and do it like that. Who breaks up through myspace? Any suggestions on how I should deal with this?

Breakp on myspace?

Man that really sucks well it just shows you that she is very immature, and it might mean she had something goin on herself and does not necessarily have anything to do with you, accusing you of cheating is just an excuse. If thats the way she wants to be then if I was you I would just move on and find yourself someone who acts like a grown person and not a child.

Breakp on myspace?

She wants to get a reaction out of you....or she is so angry right now that she doesn't even want to work things out.

Breakp on myspace?

she wants your attention, you should do the same thing and hit her up calling her something sweet. That at least will put a smile on her

Breakp on myspace?

thats really wrong. you should be happy that she did that. just think what would happen if you dated her for a yr and found out that you wasted your time.

Breakp on myspace?

First off..

Why in the hell are you even flirting? Women KNOW the difference between harmless flirting and FLIRTING. You evidently crossed the line.

Secondly, why didn't YOU walk to her house and ring the bell? The phone call thing is confusing. Did you call her to break up? The phone is NO way to do this.

Thirdly, why should SHE initiate the process? You gotta problem with someone, tell it to their face so they can do something about it!

But I agree, the my space thing was a cop out. The "problem" thing goes both ways (for both males and females alike. Tell someone to their face so they can either make amends or tell you to go to hell)!

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