Sunday, December 6, 2009

Are there any Myspace savvy people who can help me?....please! :)?

I've started a group on myspace. I already have a personal myspace page and know how to edit my profile...add layouts, graphics and such by posting the code in the about me section, and other sections. However, on the group page set up, there is no about me section or option to add a layout code. I want to make my group page look professional. Can someone please tell me how to add a layout to my myspace GROUP page? Thank you so, so much!

Are there any Myspace savvy people who can help me?....please! :)?

you can add a background and stuff to your groups page..just search "myspace group layouts" on google or something like that

Are there any Myspace savvy people who can help me?....please! :)?

i dont think that you can add a background or anything to your group page. all the groups ive seen or joined have been blank. the only thin gyou acn do is add pics and change the text under the header.

Are there any Myspace savvy people who can help me?....please! :)?

Well i have a music page and i believe its kind of the same deal, what you can do is look for one of the other boxes where you can write info for example in my music one i have to go to Edit Profile %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; Band Details %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; Band Bio.....The html code should work in any of these boxes as long as they let you write text down like a paragraph as opossed to just one line that goes on forever -------------------------

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