Monday, November 30, 2009

Does kill bandwidth?

I'm running 4 computers on a slow broadband connetion (720 down/120 up). When playing Battlefield 2 online, my ping shoots up when someone else is browsing myspace on the other computer. Which causes me to get kicked from the server. But I don't get this problem if that other computer was running World of Warcraft. It's only when they're browsing myspace.

Does kill bandwidth?

Actually, In my opinion, every single stupid myspace page has been customized with stuff that it is eating your throughput when you play. Its irregardless if you yourself are hosting videos or mp3s, or a web host is. If the myspace page has music and videos embedded into their site, the second you are turned into that site, it is going to eat your throughput up because of the high consumption of the bandwith used in streaming all that multimedia crud from there, especially the stupid background music every idiot page has.

WoW on the other hand, does not use that much packets to send and receive data onto WoW servers, (more optimized for gaming) so its no surprise it would not affect your bf2 as much. The main thing is that BF2 wants packets and wants packets now, and second people start torrenting or looking at image/video/audio embed-intensive site, like Myspace, and you will not bet sending and receiving enough packets like you would, which leads to high ping, which leads to kicking.

Does kill bandwidth?

Im always, good, thankx for the pick Report It

Does kill bandwidth?

if you are hosting videos, sounds, etc on your own computer, yeah, you should use the free hosting places online, and let them view the pics and streaming data there. If they are not accessing your computers, then it should not affect your bandwith, the amound on actual users on you IP at any given time will though, especiall on slow DSL. I have always believed the faster connections suck the bandwith away from the slower connections

Does kill bandwidth?

Yes, I think it does.

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